Michael Van Eaton Provides Tips on How to Be Successful as a Teacher
Michael Van Eaton is proud to be a teacher and educator. However, he knows that being a teacher is a lot of hard work. You need to possess many skills, including patience, knowledge, empathy, and the sheer desire to want to help educate our youth. If this is going to be your first year teaching, here are a few tips from an experienced teacher.
Michael Van Eaton Says to Find a Subject You Are Passionate About
Michael Van Eaton says the first tip to being successful as a teacher is to find a subject you are passionate about. Kids can sense passion, positivity, and enthusiasm. If you are passionate about what you are teaching, it will rub off and hopefully help the kids you are teaching to become passionate as well. If you find yourself in a rut after a few years of teaching, it may be time to change grade levels or subjects and refind your passion by teaching something new.
Michael Van Eaton States You Need to Be Prepared and Organized
Michael Van Eaton explains that being prepared and organized is a must for any successful teacher. Before the school year starts, sit down and put together a teaching agenda for the entire year. From there, break it down to what will be taught each month and then break it down to weeks. You need to have a plan to ensure you teach your students everything that they need to learn in a school year. Winging it is very hard in this field and may cause you to forget to teach a certain lesson. Always be prepared and organized.
Michael Van Eaton Explains the Importance of Staying In Control
Michael Van states that the final tip to be successful as a teacher is to stay in control at all times. You need to be in control of your classroom, of your students and of your emotions. Teaching can be hard, but if you lose control, it can become even more challenging. Start learning your school’s disciplinary guidelines for out-of-control students, and put together a plan for yourself in case you feel a student or parent pushing you to your limit. Breathing techniques and relaxation techniques can really help you to stay composed and in control.
Michael Van Eaton knows that working as a teacher is a lot of hard work, but is also highly rewarding. He knows this because he has dedicated his life to helping others and is proud to be an educator. If you are looking to be successful as a teacher, he highly recommends that you find a subject you are passionate about, ensure you are prepared and organized and stay in control of your classroom and your emotions. All of this will help to translate into success as a teacher.